We have subscribed to LogMeIn for their Pro features since before LogMeIn discontinued their free limited feature product.
Each year since LogMeIn became a commercial only product, the annual subscription fee has approximately doubled over the previous year's price. Case in point: even for the "personal" package that allows access to 2 computers, 2 (or 3) years ago the price jumped to $99. for a year subscription. That is when I had to drop the account that I used to support my mom and an elderly friend. For our non-profit however, we needed access and the $149. price while an unexpected extreme increase in price, was something that we deemed necessary.
Last year the price to access only 5 computers outpaced the price increases for ObamaCare and nearly doubled to $349. to "renew" the 1-year subscription. Again, we paid the price.
This year to continue to access the 5 computers, the price is $599.99. (That is a price increase from $350 -> $600 (over 40% increase).
Unfortunately, we will be adding a couple of computers in the coming months so the price to access 10 computers (the next available level) is $1099.99.
I am not sure if this is the...
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